10 Kitchen Gadgets Under $25 That You Can't Live Without

Cheese Grater

Kitchen gadgets can be game-changers, especially when they're affordable. These 10 kitchen tools, all under $25, not only fit your budget but also simplify cooking tasks, making your time in the kitchen more efficient and enjoyable.

1. Stainless Steel Bowls

Stainless Steel Bowls
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

My stainless steel mixing bowls are among my favorite kitchen tools. Perfect for keeping temperature-sensitive foods hot or cold, these bowls are a superb buy and would make an excellent gift for a birthday, Christmas, or another special occasion. They're also versatile. I use one of mine as a salad bowl because it gives me room for mixing and keeps my salad colder. You can also buy them in multiple sizes, from small, for mixing spices or sauces, to big for batters or tossing vegetables. No matter what you want to blend or what you need to eat, you cannot go wrong with a set of stainless steel mixing bowls for your kitchen essentials.

2. Cast Iron

Cast Iron
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While cast iron can be tricky to clean, a good kettle or skillet is irreplaceable for almost any cooking. From tender sautéed vegetables to juicy London broil, you can cook anything perfectly with a great set of cast iron skillets and pots. As one user pointed out, "I got a deep one and a regular one on clearance for $20 at Target. I use it for everything but boiling rice." Once you get the hang of using and cleaning your cast iron set, you'll likely use it for almost everything. The only thing cast iron isn't great for is floury gravies or soups. If you use something like this for gravy, clean it as soon as possible. Do not let it sit in the skillet.

3. Cheese Grater

Grater and cheese on wooden board
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We're not talking about the little handheld grater you get from Walmart or Dollar General. This beauty is a wonder of kitchen magic and will mean tons of freshly grated cheese with none of the hassle. Priced between eight and twenty-five dollars, these lovely little kitchen helpers are convenient; as one user said, "If you like to melt cheese into stuff or if you cook a lot of Italian or Mexican dishes, then getting a hand crank cheese grater is amazing." Enchiladas, tacos, lasagna, spaghetti, stuffed shells, empanadas, burritos, and even pizza all feel the love of lots of freshly grated cheese, and it's a rare occasion when you have too much cheese. Pick up one of these life changers for your next cheese-heavy dinner.

4. Infrared Thermometer

Thermometer chicken
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Go beyond your average meat thermometer and pick yourself up an infrared thermometer. These contactless temperature readers are excellent for cooking and baking, with the ability to take the temperature of food even while it's in the oven: no more undercooked chicken or overcooked baked goods. Now, you can be confident that no matter what you cook, you'll have an exact reading on the temperature without guessing. These also make fantastic gifts for the chef in your family. If you know someone who loves baking or cooking for others, this inexpensive tool is a great blessing to anyone who makes food from scratch.

5. Mandolin

Close-up of unrecognizable woman using mandoline slicer for cutting apple while preparing fruits for dehydration at home
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This tool comes with a word of caution. Mandolins are exceptional at slicing anything into razor-thin portions. Make potato chips by cutting ultra-thin pieces, or style pretty lemon slices by slicing translucent sections for your next cocktail party. But this helpful kitchen tool does have a devilish side if you're not careful. If you'd like to add a mandolin to your culinary tools, be sure to purchase one with a guide, your fingers will thank you! As another person made a point to say, "The blade is so sharp it takes half a second to realize what I've done, and a week of typing to remind me I didn't need to get every morsel off that carrot stub."

6. Souper Cubes

Souper Cubes tray
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

These handy little trays are a life-saver if you like to do any meal prep or if your family likes to eat different dishes for dinner. One buyer was pleasantly surprised by their love for these silicone freezer-safe trays that make storing leftover soups, stews, sauces, and other freezable food so easy. "I bought my souper cubes on a total whim. BIG FAN." You can get an eight-piece set that features two tablespoons, half-a-cup, one-cup, and two-cup options, allowing you to freeze your food in perfect portions. No more figuring out how to make manageable portions; pop one out, reheat, and enjoy!

7. Milk Frother

Handheld mixer at woman hands with milk for frother
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One respondent praised their milk frother, calling it a "GAME CHANGER for my morning routine!" If you've never used a milk frother before, it is lovely and perfect for that frothy coffee or tea you want to enjoy when you wake up. It's also great for sauces, dressings, and whipped cream. No matter what you want to make light and airy, your milk frother will get the job done with style and class. And when you're food is made, a few pulses of warm, soapy water will clean your frother in seconds. Dry with a towel, and bam, you're all done.

8. Garlic Peeler and Press

Garlic Peeler and Press
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As someone who tries to cook interesting, flavor-packed meals, I go through a lot of garlic. When you go through a lot, peeling them can be a pain! Make this pesky task so much easier with a garlic peeler and press. Even if you aren't good with raw garlic, the peeler will be worth your time and money. A garlic peeler will make quick work of your garlic covers without damaging the clove underneath. And if you need your garlic cut up, you can use the garlic press to quickly and safely slice, dice, or mince your cloves without all the sticky work of processing them by hand.

9. Glass or Porcelain Ramekins

Porcelain Ramekins
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

These little oven and microwave-safe cups are so useful and fun. Plenty of people love things in miniature. Whether it's a baby, a pint-size milk jug, or a small baking dish, miniature versions of bigger items are always cute and fun. They're great for meal prep, especially if you're single or want to have portion control over your meals, and can easily be popped into the oven from the fridge for a fast and filling option. These beautifully crafted dishes are made from glass or porcelain and are essential for any home cook who has children or enjoys single-serve control over their portions. Buy a set and see just how fun cooking and baking can be.

10. Squirt Bottles

Squirt Bottles
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This one is so easy and much more vital than you might think. Fill one with water for quick and easy deglazing. It can also help you add steam to covered vegetables or meat products you want to keep moist. You can also use them for sauces, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and other liquid condiments you want to keep handy in or out of the fridge. Squirt bottles make it so easy to quickly and cleanly apply your favorite sauces, dressings, and other condiments to a sandwich or salad, with minor cleanup needed afterward. Fun and valuable, squirt bottles are a must-have for any at-home cook.

Source: Reddit.

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