12 Things In Restaurants That'll Have You Running for the Door

Restaurant table

Ever walked into a restaurant and then straight out again? Sometimes, it doesn't take much. From a weird smell to rude staff, certain things just tell you it's not going to be good. We're talking about those red flags that make you leave before you order. It's all about first impressions, and some places just miss the mark.

AUTHOR: Boloere Seibidor

1. General Uncleanliness

dirty dishes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Imagine walking into a restaurant, ready to wine and dine, and you can tell immediately that the room is messy — the unmistakable aura of "I haven't been cleaned since the Stone Age." Napkins? Nowhere to be found. Plates? More like Picasso's abstract art piece of leftover sauces. It's like an obstacle course designed to test your commitment to good food versus your aversion to unclean spaces.

2. Greasy Tables

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How would you feel if you sat down at your chosen eatery, eagerly expecting the delicious delights that await you, but as you slide into your seat, you discover the table is so slick with grease it could host a Slip 'n Slide contest? It would be hard not to lose your appetite immediately. No one wants to play a game of table hockey, so there's no reason an eatery table should be so greasy or greasy.

3. A Weird Smell

Woman closing nose due to bad smell
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One commenter shares their experience: "Years ago, I walked into a local restaurant, and the smell killed my appetite. It reeked of smoke and mold." What's worse than eating food in a place that smells that terrible? Would you even be able to eat at all?

4. Loud Lousy Music

music restaurant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Imagine being in a restaurant with a small band or single person on a keyboard crammed onto a makeshift "stage area" with a poorly balanced, slightly lousy sound system so that you can neither hear nor enjoy hanging out with the person you're a foot and a half away from. It probably wouldn't matter how great their food or service is; you probably wouldn't have a good time.

5. Glum Servers

Unhappy waitress
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Walking into a room with a depressing aura can really mess up your mood. No one wants to have to deal with grumpy servers. And more importantly, no one wants to deal with a business that doesn't treat its employees well. "If most or all of the employees are visibly unhappy. I don't want to do business with a place that doesn't respect their employees or our community," one person opines.

6. Menus Without Prices

Woman checking Menu
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We don't know about you, but visiting a restaurant that doesn't write prices on its menus feels like a huge setup to many people. And some people also feel like their fees will depend on their appearance, if you know what we mean. You're often left wondering if you're about to order a dish that costs more than your monthly rent.

7. A Large Menu

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Too big of a menu. Unless you have a massive kitchen, there's no way you can make so many dishes and know how to make them all well. The issue with this is that it's uneconomical to keep all those ingredients on hand, with them all staying fresh. Imagine a pancake restaurant that promises 14 types of pancakes when, realistically, it's two types of pancakes, and different toppings, which are just rotations between the different things.

8. No Soap in the Restroom

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A restaurant without soap screams dirty like nothing else. But this may depend on the day. A slow weekday with no soap is a bad sign. However, running out of soap in a packed restaurant happens as the staff may be so preoccupied with orders that nobody notices the soap is out.

9. A "No MSG" Sign

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MSG does so much for proteins. The myth about it being bad for you has been debunked, yet no one seems to care. MSG is found in cheese, tomatoes, and even Doritos and Cheetos. The hysteria is unjust. One person writes, "A lady was talking to me about her MSG 'allergy' in an amazing dim sum place the other day. It took every fiber not to roll my eyes out loud at her."

10. Extra Fees for Condiments

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Wouldn't it be lovely to ask for ketchup without being charged an extra fee you didn't expect? Is this ketchup made from unicorn tears, or are they just trying to finance their condiment empire through unsuspecting patrons? It sounds like a mystery for the ages.

11. Using A QR-Code Menu

Asian customer scan QR code online menu from waitress with face mask and face shield. Customer sat on social distancing table for new normal lifestyle in restaurant after coronavirus covid-19 pandemic
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It made sense during the height of COVID, but many believe that it can go away now. Plus, people have noticed that they often actually have some "real" menus if you ask for them. The menus aren't bad. But many people prefer physical menus because they don't have to wait for them to load.

12. Self-Serve Buffet

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Don't take this the wrong way; buffets are not terrible. It's not the sanitary habits of the employees you have to worry about, but the cleanliness of the public. Many people are not concerned for anyone but themselves. They do not know food safety, can barely be bothered to do more than moisten their hands in the bathroom, and happily share whatever diseases they've gathered throughout the day.

Source: Reddit.

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