12 Foods You Won't Believe Help You Lose Weight

diet donut

So you wanna lose weight, but you also love to eat. No worries, we've got the perfect solution. Check out these 12 foods that are not only yummy but also help you shed pounds. We're talking about foods that fill you up, speed up your metabolism, and even fight fat. Who knew losing weight could be so tasty?

1. Apples

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An apple a day might keep more than just the doctor away—it could also help keep those extra pounds at bay. Apples are low in calories but high in fiber, making them a perfect snack when you're feeling peckish. The natural sugars give a quick energy boost, while the fiber helps you feel full. So, the next time hunger strikes, grab an apple.

2. Beans

baked beans
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Beans are one of the healthiest foods people can consume. They are high in protein and fiber, two nutrients that make food filling; this is why you can go an entire day feeling full after eating baked beans.

Although they can cause gas and bloating in some people, the side effects can be reduced if adequately prepared. A tip is to try soaking them for a while before preparing them.

3. Oats

Woman eating oats
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

They help promote satiety, are super rich in dietary fiber, help with digestion, and can stabilize your blood glucose level. Oats are perfect meals for people who want to lose weight. They can be eaten as breakfast or dinner.

Guess what? It doesn't matter how you choose to prepare them. They will still keep you full while helping you lose unwanted weight.

4. Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Forget those greasy french fries; sweet potatoes are where it's at for weight loss. They're not just delicious but also rich in fiber and vitamins. The slow-digesting carbs in sweet potatoes help you feel fuller for longer and give you sustained energy, making them a fantastic food for anyone trying to lose weight.

5. Corn

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Corn is one of those underrated foods that have so much to offer. They comprise protein, soluble fiber, and water and are easy to digest. No wonder it is one of the essential crops in the world.

Now, you know that loading up the cob with butter and toppings that contain high calories won't work for losing that extra weight, yes? A plain cob of roasted or boiled corn would do the trick.

6. Nuts

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Nuts contain balanced healthy, unsaturated fat, protein, fiber, and other excellent compounds. Not only do they help with weight loss, they also improve metabolic health.

Studies have shown that most people who eat nuts are at a healthier weight than the people who don't. Still, you must be mindful of the amount you consume, as they are also high in fat.

7. Eggs

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Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats and can satisfy you for hours. Most people used to be terrified of them because they are high in cholesterol, but look at them making a glorious comeback.

Studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast or adding them to your meal can significantly increase weight loss. Of course, you should avoid consuming more than you need.

8. Chicken

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The subject of meat is still up for debate. For various reasons, some people choose to avoid them, and since we have yet to agree on whether meat is healthy, chicken wins the day.

This famous meat is high in both protein and iron. Although skinless chicken breasts may be tasteless, they are healthy and have less saturated fat.

9. Honey

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Whenever I remember where honey comes from, I get a little skeptical. Still, I can't deny that it is a perfect alternative to refined sugar.

Honey contains enzymes that help with digestion, which in turn aids the weight loss process. However, consuming too much daily might increase your calories, so be careful how many spoonfuls you take.

10. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Yep, you read that correctly.

Dark chocolate contains compounds that are healthy for the body, therefore putting it on this list. They have been linked to help improve heart health, decrease inflammation, and even enhance brain function.

They may reduce cravings and make you feel satisfied. My favorite is that they can positively affect one's mood and mental health, which has been linked to being beneficial to weight loss. But (because there's always a but) they are incredibly high in fat and calories, so eat cautiously.

11. Green Tea

green tea
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Green tea is more than just a soothing hot drink; it's a weight-loss powerhouse in a cup. Packed with antioxidants and metabolism-boosting properties, green tea can help you burn calories even when you're not working out. So the next time you're thinking of reaching for a soda, maybe consider a cup of green tea instead.

12. Quinoa

cooked quinoa in a brown ball topped with parsley
Corrie Cooks

Say hello to quinoa, a grain that's become a favorite in health circles. Why? It's a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids your body needs. Plus, it's rich in fiber, which can help you feel full

Source: Quora.

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