12 Secrets from 70-Year-Olds That Will Change Your Life

old couple dance

Age brings wisdom, right? Well, we've got a treat for you. We've rounded up 12 life secrets from people who are 70 or older. These tips can seriously change how you see the world. From handling stress to finding joy, these bits of wisdom come from folks who have truly lived. So, sit back, take notes, and get ready to see life in a new light.

AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. Find Something You Love

Man taking Wild life photo
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you aren't doing something you love, you must ask yourself: are you even living? One person puts it all into perspective. "I spent years in a job where I made other people rich," reveals one woman. "I now work for an organization where I matter, where I help people, and when I pass, I will be remembered for the endeavors I have been a part of. There is a lot of solace in that. I would recommend finding something you feel is important and doing that."

2. Sleep as Much as You Can

Woman sleeping in bed
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People who are over 70 are unanimous: sleep as often as possible. When you reach a certain age, sleep becomes increasingly more important. The more rest you get, the more energy you'll have to take advantage of all your opportunities later in life. Nobody wants to be the older adult who sits in a recliner all day, right?

3. Have Reasons To Move Your Body

Man riding bike
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Being active is vital to a long, healthy life, and many people advise you to do all you can to move your body as often as possible! Take my girlfriend's father, for example. He plays pickup basketball three times a week and isn't shy about going to the gym as much as possible. He's in phenomenal shape and health for his age, and I aspire to be as physically fit as he is one day.

4. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Fashion model with long hair sitting and posing outdoor. Bell-bottoms, shoes, coat, red lips. Soft warm vintage color tone. Artsy bohemian style.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people swear by giving special attention to their feet. After all, they'll carry you for the rest of your life; why would you skimp on footwear? "Strangely enough, the best advice ever given to me was by my general practitioner doctor: Wear comfortable shoes," recalls one man. "I was much older than he was and am currently 83."

5. Enjoy Being Present

Woman travelling
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Growing older comes with harsh realities, such as not every moment being captivating or particularly memorable. However, many advise learning to enjoy being present in each moment. Not only will this help give you a better perspective on your life, but you'll be infinitely more enjoyable to be around. It's a win-win proposition.

6. Eventually, Stop Lifting Weights

Old man stretching
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There comes a point in everyone's life when it becomes time to put the dumbbells down. Muscle mass deteriorates over time, and putting added stress on your joints and ligaments by lifting weights later in life is a recipe for disaster. Many believe weights should be replaced by active stretching and cardio once you reach your 70s.

7. Don't Neglect Important Relationships

Couples spending time on vacation
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's easy for relationships to fade over time. However, fostering those relationships, whether friendships or long-term romantic partnerships, is easy. You have to put in the work! "People living their best lives don't neglect their most important relationships — typically long-term marriages or partnerships," reveals one expert. "The ones with long-term relationships are still having intimate contact with each other. They make each other smile and laugh, even during a short office visit. Be those people."

8. Have a Sense of Purpose

Couples cooking together
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"Wake up each morning with a sense of purpose, or duty to a service, that you are passionate about, even after you retire," explains one man. "These people never stop serving their partners, family members, or communities." In other words, make every new day matter.

9. Save Room for Dessert

Woman eating dessert
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Life is about making memories and having fun, so countless people advise always saving room for dessert! Why would you want to miss out on the best part of dinner? Of course, this means you need to practice portion control during the other parts of the meal, but in the end, you'll always be happier if you enjoy a delectable piece of Key Lime pie as often as possible.

10. Gardening Is Key

Old man Lawn Mowing
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Everybody knows our bodies are meant to keep moving even in old age, but if you aren't as active as you'd like, consider gardening. "I think gardening is the secret to a long life," advises one woman. "It keeps you active, puttering about your land. I will garden all day and hit 30,000 steps."

11. Don't Blindly Take Every Medication That Is Recommended

Woman taking supplements
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even though your doctor has your best interests at heart (they're the ones who spent years in medical school, not you), many people advise you to be diligent when researching medication. Some side effects are severe, and many senior citizens confess they'd much rather deal with their symptoms than the side effects pills bring into the fold.

12. Don't "Put on a Few Pounds"

American plump woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Take it from the greatest generation: "Putting on a few pounds" may seem innocuous, but it's a slippery slope that can become impossible to escape! While on the surface, there's no harm in gaining a few pounds due to a few weeks of unhealthy eating and low exercise; the reality is that dropping those pounds gets harder as you get older. Many report it's borderline impossible. Don't put yourself through that.

Source: Reddit.

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