12 Dollar Store Kitchen Finds That Feel Like a Steal


Finding kitchen gadgets that combine quality with affordability can feel like striking gold, especially when you're shopping on a budget. The dollar store surprisingly offers a treasure trove of kitchen tools that punch well above their weight in terms of value. From versatile utensils to essential cookware, these items prove that you don't have to spend a fortune to equip your kitchen effectively.

AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. Microwave Splash Guards

microwave lid
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Nobody likes their leftovers exploding all over the inside of a microwave. Most discount microwave splash guards will do the job perfectly. Cleaning a microwave is an arduous task that nobody looks forward to, but spending a buck or two at the dollar store ensures you'll never have to wipe down the inside of a messy appliance again.

2. Storage Containers

Storage Containers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While dollar store food containers won't be as high-quality as you might prefer, they're still invaluable kitchen tools that are always helpful in a pinch. "Storage containers are a great dollar store find!" confesses one frugal shopper. "I found some half-gallon containers there. I have my dried beans in them. I have one filled with ham and bean soup in the fridge. They're very useful. I will be getting more!"

3. Silicone Spatulas

Silicone Spatulas
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although metal and wooden spatulas are preferred for most kitchen dishes, a silicone spatula is essential when making scrambled eggs. The next time you're in a dollar store, do yourself a favor and pick up a few silicone spatulas, add more butter than you think to your scrambled eggs, and reap the rewards!

4. Measuring Cups

Measuring Cups
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You can't have too many measuring cups! Let's be honest: If you spend more than a dollar or two on measuring cups, you're wasting money. Many home chefs confess to having multiple seats of measuring cups just because they can't help but buy more whenever they walk the aisles of their local dollar store!

5. Cabinet Shelf Liners

Cabinet Shelf Liners
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

According to countless shoppers, shelf liners are a must-buy whenever you're at the dollar store. "They work great under cutting boards and bowls to hold them in place," explains one amateur chef. "They're surprisingly durable, too!" Anyone who doesn't use cabinet shelf liners is no friend of mine.

6. Foil Pans

Foil Pan
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There's one thing better than baking pans: disposable foil baking pans! From meatloaf to lasagna to banana bread, foil pans are a must-buy at the dollar store. As a bonus, by using foil pans, you won't have to clean cumbersome metal pans — you can toss them in the trash!

7. Mini-Whisks

Mini Whisk
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Not only are they cute, but mini whisks get the job done! Why use a full-sized whisk when mini-whisks are available? "I love my mini-whisk from the dollar store for mixing sauces," confesses one woman. "They're infinitely easier to clean afterward as well."

8. Pastry Brushes

Pastry Brushes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A quality pastry brush is one of the most underrated tools in the kitchen. This tool ensures your pastries look as decadent as they taste! "Stock up on pastry brushes," advises one home chef. "No one will notice if you used a $1 or a $10 one, so you might as well save a few bucks and get the dollar store versions."

9. Bottle Openers

Bottle Opener
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I have precisely one bottle opener in my house, and I never know which drawer it's in. The next time I pass a dollar store, I'm stopping in and purchasing at least three — you can never have too many bottle openers, and they're never where you think they are!

10. Ceramic Bowls and Plates

Ceramic bowls and plates
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For anyone on a budget, the most cost-effective purchase you can make at the dollar store is plain white ceramic dishes and bowls. These items are good deals and produced in such massive quantities that they will last for a long time. Unless you're a kitchen snob who needs their plateware to be of varying shapes and sizes, you'll be happy with basic ceramic bowls and plates!

11. Potato Peelers

Chef peeling potatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Potato peelers are a must-buy at dollar stores for one reason: peelers are infamously challenging to clean, so you'll go through many throughout your kitchen's lifespan. "You can't sharpen the blades, so you have to replace the whole thing periodically anyway," reports one man. "So you might as well get inexpensive ones."

12. Muffin Tin Liners

Muffin Tin Liners
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I wouldn't think the dollar store was where to find quality muffin tin liners, so consider me impressed! "They have silicone muffin tin liners that are just the bee's knees," explains one woman who still speaks like it's 1930. "Not a crumb sticks to these liners, and they're perfect for mini cheesecakes or baked eggs. My oldest ones have been in use 20 years, and only two out of 24 have failed."

Source: Reddit.

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