10 Pro Tips to Teach Your Partner About Food Safety

cooking couple

AUTHOR: Louisa Eunice

Food safety is super important, but sometimes we need a little nudge to make it a priority. If you want to get your partner on board, you've come to the right place. We've put together 10 effective ways to teach your partner about food safety. From proper handwashing to safe food storage, let's make sure you both stay healthy and enjoy your meals without worries.

1. Provide Actionable Advice

Woman cooking Pizza
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The main goal of food safety is to show others how to adopt safe food handling practices. A user said, "I thought of teaching my grandmother about proper food safety when she would constantly expose food to germs." Therefore, actionable advice is needed. Telling others what to do and what not to do isn't enough. Show and demonstrate instead of just saying.

3. Talk About Real-Life Scenarios of Outbreaks and Food Poisoning Instances

Man having stomach pain after eating too much
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Do you know of anyone who suffered from food poisoning? Have you ever had a stomach ache from eating contaminated food? Talk about these experiences and what they felt like. People tend to take things more seriously when you talk from your perspective.

3. Use Many Diverse Methods

Couples teaching about cooking
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As different people prefer to learn differently, you should teach food safety in different ways for vast understanding. For instance, you may use audio-visual or oral methods of teaching. You may also urge others to participate in activities like role plays and simulations to help drive the point home.

4. Encourage the Washing of Hands

Washing hands
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Washing hands before handling food is essential. It's one of the make-or-break hygiene practices during food preparation. Dirty hands mean contaminated food, which may cause diseases. Make a point to always wash your hands, and others will follow suit.

5. Insist on Checking the Quality of Food Before Preparation

Woman showing rotten fish
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Determining the freshness of food will ensure that it is fit for consumption. Make a point of showing what fresh and bad food looks like so others can know the difference. A second user adds, "I had to take time and show my mum what bad food looks like because she would go to the market and pick up anything she saw."

6. Show Them How To Prepare and Store Food Safely

Food stored in containers
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Many people learn by doing things practically. A third user commented, "I had to buy vacuum storage containers to ensure food remains safe. Otherwise, you expose it to germs." Organize practical cooking lessons and show those in attendance the different food storage methods.

7. Create a Continuous Food Safety Program

Young mother teaching about food to teenager
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Learning about food safety is not a one-and-done affair. It should be continuous so that others can learn a new skill daily. You can assess the impact of your education through the audience's attitude and knowledge. Having them participate in a food-handling course can also be beneficial.

8. Develop User-Friendly Material Like Brochures

Cooking class
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Writing down relevant information is a way to create a reference point for those learning about food safety. A food critic commented, "Print out brochures and distribute them to those in your household every week. Take time to read together and expound on what you learn. In due time, you'll notice a difference."

9. Refer to the Web

Two friends cooking and seeing ipad
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The internet has a lot of lessons on kitchen and food safety. There are countless stories, scenarios, and advice on the subject that are bound to make a difference in people's lives. Provide links, show videos, and elaborate on what you see. Also, encourage people to visit food websites themselves.

10. Practice It

Washing vegetables in water
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Practice what you preach. When others see you implementing what you teach, they will likely believe what you say and do the same. Pick out your food carefully, wash your hands, read brochures, and be patient to see if they take the lessons to heart.

Source: Reddit.

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