10 Crazy Things People Have Actually Asked For at Restaurants


Ever think you're picky when you ask for extra sauce or a side of ranch? Wait until you hear these wild restaurant requests. We've rounded up 10 of the most bizarre asks that servers have actually received. From strange food combos to some truly puzzling substitutions, these requests are so weird you'll have to read them to believe they're real.

1. Guacamole Without Avocados

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It's mind-blowing to discover how misinformed people are. One server recalls a time when a woman ordered guacamole sans avocados. I wish I had been a fly on the wall during that discussion — I would've gleefully returned with a few pieces of cilantro, tomato, and lime and watched as the customer realized what she had requested.

2. A Salad With No Purple

Red Cabbage
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Some customers have requests that aren't odd on the surface, but they're eye-opening and weird nonetheless. "Once I had a dude order a large garden salad, looked me dead in the eyes, and very seriously said, 'Make sure there's no purple in it.' I just nodded with no follow-up questions," remembers one server. "I ended up picking out anything purple-colored in the salad and very nervously watched him pick through it. He was satisfied enough and left a decent tip." It sounds like someone really hates cabbage!

3. A Lettuce Sandwich


There are two kinds of people in the world: lovers of the classic BLT sandwich and those who order a BLT but ask the server to hold the bacon and tomato. One restaurant staffer says she deals with a customer like this every week. Apparently, a lettuce sandwich is more delicious than it sounds, even if it's just bread, leafy greens, and some mayonnaise!

4. A Plate of Cucumbers

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Fans of early '90s hip-hop can rest easy knowing that one of the all-time greats has very specific tastebuds. "Flava Flav came into the restaurant I worked at once," recalls one worker. "It was a fancy seafood place. He ordered just a plate of cucumbers for himself; everyone else at his table ordered normal things. I'm guessing he maybe doesn't like seafood? Hilarious." Ordering a plate of cucumbers is a power move!

5. Ketchup As a Salad Dressing

Corrie Cooks

Diners, here's some helpful advice: If you find yourself ordering salads and landing on ketchup as a dressing, you're doing it all wrong. Trust me, half the restaurant staff is laughing at you, and the other half is terrified of you.

6. A Tablecloth (For All the Wrong Reasons)

Woman surprised with hand on head
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I want to preface this story by saying kudos to the restaurant worker for handling this messy situation in the best way possible. I can't imagine how I would've reacted! "An older gentleman soiled himself in a booth and asked for a tablecloth so he could walk out with it wrapped around him," reveals one traumatized bartender. "It happened around 15 years ago, and I still serve him. He has no shame. Back he comes once a week, like clockwork. We never asked about getting the tablecloth back." (Please don't ask for the tablecloth back.)

7. Coconut On Pizza

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Working in a college town can be challenging for many restaurant workers. Inevitably, you'll be forced to take orders from extremely inebriated customers. One college-town restaurant worker recalls when a drunk student walked and demanded a cheese pizza with extra coconut. Pineapple on pizza is one thing, but coconut is another level of crazy. (Thankfully, the coconut request wasn't granted.)

8. Chicken Cooked Medium-Rare

Instant Pot Orange Chicken
Corrie Cooks

It's astounding to realize how many people continue to live healthy lives despite making decisions that inevitably cause them to get sick. "I once had a lady ask for chicken cooked medium-rare," explains one long-time server. "I told her we couldn't do that, and she responded with, 'But they do it at other restaurants for me.' I promptly told her to go to other restaurants then. I ain't catching that lawsuit."

9. Parsley Bowl

Parsley bowl
Image Credit: Shutterstock

A parsley bowl is exactly what it sounds like: a bowl filled with one of the blandest herbs on Earth. A woman in Idaho orders a bowl of parsley and a glass of milk once a week. Each week, the restaurant staff is perplexed and a little weirded out. This woman has been ordering her parsley bowl for the past six months. People are strange. Let's move on.

10. A Glass of Wine With a Side of... What?

Homeade wine
Image Credit: Corrie Cooks

I spent many years working in restaurants. I can honestly say that if I ever witnessed the following story, I would openly vomit. "I once had a woman order a glass of red wine with a side of creamer," recalls one server. "I didn't think much of it at first, but when I brought them to her, she poured the cream into the glass of wine. I told her I'd never seen that before. She said, 'You've got to try it!' No, I'm not going to try it. Not ever." (I apologize for putting this particularly upsetting mental image into your mind.)

Source: Reddit.

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