12 Toxic Foods You Shouldn't Feed Your Dog

dog eats pizza

It's tempting to share your snacks with your furry friend, but hold up! Not all foods we munch on are safe for dogs. Some can be downright dangerous. So, before you toss your pup a bite of your lunch, let's look at common foods that should stay far away from their bowl.

1. Pudding

Mango pudding
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It seems logical to let your dog or cat have a few licks of pudding, but this is a serious mistake. The ingredient xylitol is a potentially fatal hazard hiding in the ingredient list of many sweet foods, including pudding. Pet owners should become familiar with the word xylitol and avoid it like the plague. Because when it comes to your pets, consuming xylitol could have the same effect as contracting the plague.

2. Certain Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter
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Certain brands of peanut butter may contain xylitol, an ingredient that can have severe health effects in dogs in particular. Check the ingredient list before putting peanut butter in your dog's toy. If in doubt, you're generally safe sticking with Jif.

3. Caffeine

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Whether it's coffee beans, tea, chocolate, or any other caffeine-laced edible (or drinkable), keep them out of Air Bud's reach. Methylxanthines are naturally occurring substances found in many caffeinated items and can cause vomiting and other adverse symptoms in animals.

4. Raw Meat

Dog eating Raw Meat
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The cartoonish portrayal of dogs eating raw steak has led to countless E. coli and salmonella poisoning cases. Raw meat poses an unnecessary risk of foodborne illness, so cook your meat before giving it to your pet.

5. Grapes

Dog eating grapes
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If your furry friend is inclined to munch on grapes (fresh or frozen), stop them in their tracks. When consumed in significant quantities, these delicious, bite-sized fruits can lead to kidney failure. Even humans who consume too many grapes in liquid form (wine) can suffer kidney failure, so the logic tracks.

6. Baked Goods

Labrador dog eating cookies
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Unless you are certain that a baked good is dog-friendly, keeping the cookies for yourself is best. Sweet, oven-prepared treats can contain xylitol, chocolate, and other ingredients that don't sit well with animals. If it contains xylitol, a baked good might even prove fatal.

7. Fruit Pits

Cherry pits
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You could be in for an ER visit if your dog mistakes cherry seeds, apricot seeds, or other fruit pits for chew toys. These pits can create cyanide in an animal's stomach, which leads to troubled breathing, seizures, and even death.

8. Chives, Garlic, and Onions

Cute dog infront of onion
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These common seasonings can twist your pet's gastrointestinal tract into knots. If you're going to give your pet meat, hold the seasoning. Be a responsible pet owner and save the spices for your human friends.

9. Raisins

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A dried grape, raisins contain the same toxins that can cause kidney failure in animals. Scientists apparently don't know what makes raisins or grapes cause kidney failure, but does it matter? The bottom line is, keep your dog away from the Sun-Maids.

10. Avocado

Dog eating avocado
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An ingredient in avocados called Persin is a toxin similar to a fatty acid. While humans can tolerate Persin, dogs don't have the same tolerance for Persin that a person does. Ingesting avocado can leave your pup vomiting and suffering from diarrhea.

11. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia Nuts
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While you never know what your pup or kitty will get into, macadamia nuts are generally not the snack you worry about them chowing down. Still, if your animal does decide it's macadamia day, know that they may have tremors, vomiting, and other concerning symptoms for a day or two.

12. Salt-Heavy Snacks

Dog eating salty chips
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Too much salt can contribute to dehydration, which may produce tremors, elevated temperature, panting, and a host of other concerning symptoms. Be conservative if you are inclined to give your dog or cat salty treats.

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