12 Surprising Signs You're Getting Older Without Even Noticing

Vision Problems glasses

Ever wake up and think, "When did that happen?" You're not alone. As we cruise through life, little things start to signal we're not as young as we used to be, and they sneak up on us! From preferring a quiet night in to getting excited about a new sponge, the signs are there, and they're hilariously undeniable.

1. Groaning Noises

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Do you ever want to get off a chair, feel a bit of creaking on your knee or back, and find yourself silently groaning? Yeah, there's a chance it's just a lousy sitting posture, but it could also be a sign that you're getting older. One contributor describes how they make dad noises after they try standing up from a little squat; it's how they knew they were growing old.

2. New Friend Groups

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When you're young, you feel stuck with the best friends you'll ever meet. But then you go through high school, college, and your first few jobs, and suddenly you realize everyone is either moving away or no longer has time for everything they used to. Someone shares they realized they were growing old when they had to change friend groups every five years to have a social life.

3. Reading Glasses

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While everyone might not need them, getting reading glasses might be one of the signs that you're getting older. A lot of carrots and apples might help, but the passage of time takes its toll on the body. According to one person, the sudden need for glasses makes them feel like a "reverse Spiderman."

4. Teenagers Treated You Different

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You are expected to get some respect the older you get, but it would feel quite jarring when you get your first few "Excuse me, Sirs" from someone who could have easily called you bro just a few years ago. A user recalls when a teenager greeted them in the street, and the shocking incident was quite the moment of realization.

5.Your Top Hit Became A Throwback

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Another contributor explains how they felt strange hearing their favorite song being called a throwback on the radio. It would sting to think of a song you cherish so much being called something from a different time, but then you realize — you are from a different time, an older generation.

6. Shift In Conversation

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When you're young, the conversations hang around crazy nights out, fast cars, and adventures that last a lifetime. But as one contributor states, the conversation suddenly shifted to 401k's, mortgages, and retirement plans. Ah, it struck them then.

7. Next-Gen Babysitting

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When the kids you used to babysit start having babies of their own, it's a surreal moment. You remember them as little tykes who needed bedtime stories and now they're parents? It's like a life cycle moment that definitely makes you pause and think, "Wow, time really does fly!"

8. Lost in Translation

young people talk
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Remember when you used to be the cool one who knew all the slang? Now, you hear younger people talk and it's like they're speaking a different language. If you find yourself scratching your head trying to understand what "on fleek" or "lit" means, you're not alone. It's one of those subtle signs that the times, they are a-changin'.

9. Healing Became Hard

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Someone narrates how they watched their ten-year-old niece with a broken arm who was able to heal in a couple of weeks. They, on the other hand, were stuck with the pain of a fracture that was several years old. As the body ages, the natural regenerative process slows down and makes healing quite the hassle.

10. ID At The Liquor Store

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Back in the day, they'd ask for your ID to see if you were underage, but now they'd ask because too many people are trying to take advantage of the senior discount. One explains how they never asked for a discount, and the guy at the counter made them feel old.

11. Early To Bed

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When an early night starts feeling like a privilege, you realize how old you are. Someone shares how they used to have all-night drinking sessions with their friends, and now, they can only properly function if they are in bed by 9 pm. Time really does sneak up on you.

12. Saying No Became Routine

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Not because you're not willing to do certain things but because the luxury of living carefree without consequences is something you can no longer afford, and you have to calculate every move instead of living as you wish. A correspondent describes how their meticulous planning makes them feel older as they realize how easy it is to say no now.

Source: Reddit.

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