12 Delicious Foods Picky Eaters Hate

mashed potatoes new

There are some food dishes that win hearts universally, yet they often find no love from picky eaters. These 12 beloved dishes, adored by many, somehow don't appeal to the choosy few. From timeless classics to popular favorites, let's explore what's often left off the plates of those with a selective palate.

AUTHOR: Ree Winter

1. Fried Eggs

Large cast iron skillet with fried eggs in green, yellow, red and orange bell peppers sitting on wooden table with pepper slices
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Like my example above, one forum member's guest refused to eat a fried egg while camping, saying it was too yellow. Some people suggested it was because he was used to store-bought eggs that aren't as vibrant as free-range farm eggs.

2. Foccacia

Homemade Foccacia
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's bread. What's not to like? Unless you're gluten-free, of course! However, one person says a guest freaked out and wondered what this "weird vegetarian thing" was. If you like sliced bread, chances are you will like Foccacia.

3. Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While this dish looks pretty ordinary and one that I'd probably skip over on a restaurant menu if a friend made it for me, I wouldn't say no. It's delicious, especially when made from scratch with grilled cheese. A home chef says their guests wouldn't eat it because it was a different color than Campbell's canned soup.

4. Chicken Stew

Chicken Stew with vegetables
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It sounds basic, but in some countries, similar dishes have names that make them sound exotic. One forum member said when they told an in-law the name in the country's language, the person wouldn't even take a bite because they disliked foreign food when essentially the dish was just a chicken stew with veggies over rice.

5. Pasta Sauce

Pasta with Pasta Sauce
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some people just can't be satisfied, no matter what. Even when they're adults, they eat like toddlers. Someone's mother refused pasta sauce because there were visible vegetable pieces inside. She preferred jar sauce.

6. Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This classic dish may not be for everyone, but most people will eat it if served at a friend's house out of respect. However, one person says that her mother wouldn't go near the soup they made from scratch, adhering to strict sodium restrictions. They claimed it was too salty without even trying it.

7. Mashed Potato

Mashed potatoes
Image Credit: Corrie Cooks

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew. It's potato. You can't go wrong with the potato, especially a creamy, buttery mash. Some people can't handle the potato, though. A forum member made 10 pounds of mash only to be told that her in-law's family wasn't a fan.

8. Milk Bread

Milk Bread
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is a Japanese bread that's soft and delicious. One homecook made a fresh batch of rolls for a Thanksgiving women's club buffet. Out of 25 rolls, only four people had one, much preferring the store-bought Hawaiian rolls. I know this person's pain. It feels so disrespectful.

9. Cottage Pie

cottage pie, shepherd's pie, english cuisine
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even I'm not a fan of this. I can't stand the textures of mashed potato and ground meat, but I would at least eat some if my host made them for me. One kind soul made some for her mother-in-law as she was recovering from surgery and needed some soft things to eat. The father-in-law called to complain.

10. Pasta

Classic italian pasta pesto with pine nuts, pound garlic, basil leaves, hard parmesan cheese and extra-virgin olive oil. Mediterranean pesto sauce and tagliatelle. Healthy homemade vegetarian
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Pasta is so versatile. You can have it as bland or elaborate as you like, but some people just can't be satisfied. For one person's relation, they said they hate all types of pasta no matter how it's served. They don't like the texture.

11. Homemade Pizza

Burnt Pizza crust
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are we so accustomed to the likes of Domino's and Pizza Hut that we can't appreciate homemade pizza anymore? One forum member who says they are known for how good their homemade pizzas are was surprised to find it rejected at a party. They were even abused for thinking offering it instead of store-bought pizza was reasonable.

12. Apple Muffins

Apple Muffins
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One person grated apples into some muffins for a work potluck and was surprised to learn that one guest didn't like apples in deserts. It's one of the things apples excel at! Who can go wrong with apples and cinnamon encased in warm, sugary cakes or pastries? Apparently, this person can.

Source: Reddit.

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french fries with cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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