10 Things Teens Love That Old People Just Don't Get

Woman enjoying music festival

The generational gap is never more evident than in the trends that captivate the young. Today's youth have their unique passions that often leave older generations baffled. From tech obsessions to new-age lifestyles, here are 10 things young people love that might just leave their elders scratching their heads in wonder and

1. Iced Coffee

Iced Coffee
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Numerous commenters need help understanding the preoccupation with iced coffee, as in putting so much ice into a cup of joe that it's diluted to coffee-scented liquid. One commenter suggests that instead of ordering an iced coffee, order a milkshake and be done with it.

2. What Exactly Is Content?

content creator
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Anything posted online is considered content; anyone posting anything online is called a content creator. What exactly is content? As somebody asks, "How can something devoid of any substance be called content?" The world may never know.

3. I Literally Can't Even Anymore

Annoyed Angry Man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the things older generations don't get about youngsters is the misuse and rampant overuse of the word "literally." Someone on the thread recounts watching a cartoon poking fun at people who overuse the word by having a character who started every sentence with "literally."

4. Is Everything Iconic?

Old man shrugging
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another word woefully overused by the younger generations, lamenting several contributors to the discussion, is the overuse of "iconic." It's used with such frequency that it's become all but meaningless. Only some things that are called iconic are deserving of the label.

5. Music Festivals

Woman enjoying music festival
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Today's music festivals are the opposite of classic festivals like Woodstock. They're "usually hot, crowded, and everything is overpriced. There's a reason you don't see a lot of older people there," one poster on the thread observes.

6. Snapchat

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Older generations find the concept behind the photo app Snapchat somewhat perplexing, and understandably so: I'll send you a photo of my face, and you send me a picture of your face back. I respond by sending you a photo of my face, but if you receive it and don't send me a picture of your face in return, you're violating Snapchat etiquette, and I'm mad at you. What?

7. Public Prank Videos

Man saying stop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Playing a prank on your friends and family is one thing. They know you, and more than likely, they get your sense of humor. Youngsters today seem to ignore that rule of thumb and insist on staging pranks against unsuspecting strangers, something their elders neither understand, appreciate, or condone. Not to mention that's an easy way to get hurt due to unfortunate misunderstandings.

8. Public TikTok Dances

Woman with hands on face, tired of explaining
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Members of the older generations are okay with public dancing when it's appropriate. But at least one writes how they "can't handle the second-hand embarrassment when someone is dancing in aisle five." I second that! The "spontaneous" dances out of nowhere are a lot to take.

9. Filming Random People

Woman saying no
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's understood that no one reasonably expects privacy in a public space. However, it's impolite and downright unnerving to see younger people recording videos of strangers they see in public. What's worse is that these videos are posted online and used to ridicule the people being filmed, all for internet likes and clout. It's a bad look, young'uns.

10. Oversharing on Social Media

Woman winking eye and asking why
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"The unending need to share everything on social media, including their meals, their children, their partners, everything," is a phenomenon whose fascination eludes older folks. Instead of just having an experience, even something as mundane as grocery shopping, younger people feel compelled to press record and upload. Why?

Source: Reddit.

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