10 Secret Ingredients Every Top Chef Uses and You Should Too

Ever wondered what makes restaurant dishes so delicious? It's often about using the right ingredients! Let's dive into the world of culinary secrets and uncover ten ingredients that chefs love. These are game-changers for your home cooking, adding that professional touch to your meals. AUTHOR: Ben Rice

1. Lime

Lime and tequila
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The next observer sits on my side of the fence regarding the lemon vs. lime dichotomy, favoring limes over their yellow siblings. "They're surprisingly versatile and make many foods taste happier and brighter," raves the citrus-happy poster. "I've even been known to squeeze half a lime into soups and chili without telling anyone. Both always get compliments." Here is a lady after my own heart — limes make the world a better place.

2. Shallots

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"Shallots can amplify the aroma and flavor of your dish to the next level," swears the first contributor. "They can also be used as a substitute for other herbs, especially for garlic, when you want something with a less aggressive aroma." Shallots work best for most Asian cooking, especially Thai food. They cook quickly, like garlic, so they must be treated with respect for the best flavor profile.

3. Oyster Sauce

Oyster Sauce
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If you enjoy a deep, umami presence in your sauce, oyster sauce is a wholly underrated ingredient. "Almost all Asian and Chinese restaurants marinate their meat, especially beef," reveals a proponent. I love oyster sauce — it works well with vegetables, too. Sauté boiled green beans in garlic before adding oyster sauce for simple but delicious Asian-style greens.

4. Bones

Chicken bone soup
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In addition to making nutritious bone broth, which is now given superfood status by those in the nutrition industry, bones add rich flavor to anything. Along with other scraps, such as vegetable tops, trimmings, and skins, one commenter uses leftover chicken bones to make a rich broth for soups or stews. "Put it in a pot full of water, turn the heat on until it's barely bubbling," a commenter writes, "put a lid on, and leave it all day, or at least for two or three hours."

5. Salt

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While some people will say, "Well, yeah," others will see salt as more than something you put on french fries. "It doesn't matter what you're making with chocolate," advises a home chef, "always add a small pinch of salt: this maximizes the chocolate flavor in your mouth and can turn a decent chocolate dish into a great one." Salt is like a flavor magnifier, so your chocolate will taste even more chocolatey.

6. Poultry Seasoning

Chicken breast
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"I was baking some chicken pieces once, and my neighbor walked by my apartment door," recalls another keen chef. "'You're making a turkey?' she asked in mid-summer. 'No, just some delicious chicken breast pieces.'" Why wait until Thanksgiving to give your foul some seasoned soul? A generous rub of turkey seasoning will transform bland chicken breast into a more seasoned winner.

7. Onion and Garlic Powder

Onion and Garlic Powder
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The world needs to know about the Batman and Robin of the seasoning shelf, but these two buddies never leave my spice rack. Whether you use them in a dry rub or just add them to flour for dusting meat before cooking, onion and garlic powder are instant flavor enhancers for many things.

8. Gojuchang Paste

Gojuchang Paste
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I lived in Asia for many years and discovered Korean food; I am hooked now. Subsequently, I always have a tub of this wonder gunk in my fridge. Gojuchang paste is great for curries and making kimchi; however, it adds a rich, savory kick to any barbecue or dipping sauce.

9. Molasses

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The syrupy, buttery sweetness? What's not to love? However, while some see molasses' pudding potential, others look at fusion with savory recipes. "One of my favorite unusual ingredients for adding depth to savory dishes is molasses," states the ex-professional chef. "I add it to tomato-based sauces often. Chili in particular."

10. Monosodium Glutamate

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During the '60s, health "experts" (no doubt in cahoots with the salt lobbyists) declared monosodium glutamate (MSG) a toxic ingredient. However, this myth was dispelled later, and small amounts are harmless — all the better for its flavor-enhancing quality. One proponent says it "goes well with almost anything" and "enhances flavor like you wouldn't believe." As the famous YouTuber and MSG aficionado Uncle Roger would say: "Fuyo!" Source: Reddit.

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