10 Grocery Items We Keep Buying Without Any Good Reason

grocery store

AUTHOR: Ben Rice

We've all been there - strolling through grocery store aisles, and somehow certain items always end up in our cart, even when they're not on the shopping list. Today, we're looking at 10 grocery items that we just can't resist buying, even if there isn't a pressing need for them. It's all part of the fun of grocery shopping, right? Let's dive in!

1. Cheese

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"Cheese," begins our candid opener. "All of the cheese. Every [sic] of the cheese." Grammar aside, this person won't budge on their love for dairy products. Cheese can improve the world if you just believe hard enough. Mars Cheese Castle, anyone?

2. Chips

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I am on the chips parade. Although I have never gone for top-shelf chip options, nothing beats your favorite potato or corn snack. I miss English chips — what we Brits lack in real food prowess; we compensate for in chip flavor varieties. "It's a French onion dip and spicy nacho Doritos for me," says an American enthusiast. Hey, no double-dipping now.

3. Olives

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I am not a fan, though I know people who would fight wars for these salty little fruits, found in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, exported far and wide. It is a weird affinity some people have. "My sister and I would save the money our dad gave us for candy and buy olives instead," boasts one of these super fans. This commenter must have the skin of a Greek god.

4. Beef Jerky

Beef Jerky
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Americans love their jerky, and who doesn't? Vegans and vegetarians aside, anyone who likes hiking or driving long distances needs their jerky. However, this stuff is not cheap if you consume a lot. One poster shares that he buys it "only when it is on sale and there is a coupon on the bag."

5. Gummy Life Savers

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"Gummy Life Savers" suggests a sweet-toothed individual with perhaps a slightly addictive personality. Wait, they do gummy Life Savers now? Maybe they do indeed save lives! "I firmly believe these are the reason I got a 32 on the ACT," adds another gummy addict.

6. Half-and-Half

half and half pack

"Fat-free half-and-half," one observer reveals. "Because my husband likes his iced coffee before he goes to work to make bank so we can buy more fat-free half-and-half." I am confused about this indulgence. If it is fat-free, what is the other half?

7. Gochujang Paste

Gochujang Paste
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Admittedly, it's a trendy ingredient for the fridge, but I testify that gochujang paste is a fantastic new addition to any serious Asian cooking enthusiast. I use it to make Korean barbecue sauce for fried chicken. "Honestly, everyone should always have gochujang on hand at all times," agrees another Korean food lover. "It should be added to the mother sauces list."

8. Golden Double-Stuf Oreos

Golden Double-Stuf Oreos
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One observer believes they are "Better than regular Oreos by a country mile." Now, that is fighting talk. Regular Oreos dipped in milk or coffee are a thing to behold. "I used to get the Piña Colada ones; like way too many packages for one person," adds one of many other fans. Now, I would like to try.

9. Liquor

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The tax on a bottle of good bourbon or Scotch makes it hard to justify the cost, though some people refuse to lose their evening companion. "I ventured into the Costco in D.C. and saw they had liquor," claims a fan, "at much cheaper prices than the government-run store here in VA." Time to book that flight to the Capitol.

10. Cherries

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"They're so good yet so freaking expensive," complains a cherry lover. How did this even happen? Cherries used to be so well-priced, though anything now with a short season window gives it an exclusive status — just like fresh figs. "Cherries should be the new measure of wealth," jokes one thread member. "Get a load of this guy. He only bought half a kilo of cherries."

(Source: Reddit).

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