10 Foods That Are More Fun to Cook Than Eat

Mac and Cheese

Cooking can be a joyful act of creation, even if the end product isn’t always to our taste. This intriguing list features 10 foods that many love to prepare but rarely enjoy eating. From intricate desserts to complex sauces, discover which dishes are more fun to make than to munch.

1. Pesto

Classic italian pasta pesto with pine nuts, pound garlic, basil leaves, hard parmesan cheese and extra-virgin olive oil. Mediterranean pesto sauce and tagliatelle. Healthy homemade vegetarian
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This user said that she gets a lot of compliments when she makes pesto for her husband and son. However, she gets worn out by looking at it and makes something else for herself later. A commenter on the platform responded by saying, "Yeah I don't know what the devil is with pesto. Theoretically, I should like it but every time I have it, it's like two bites and I get tired of it."

2. Pancakes

Image Credit: Corrie Cooks

A user said they don't like eating pancakes but they like cooking them because of the way they smell and how they make the kids smile. In the comment section, somebody responded saying, "I've always been made to be a weirdo for not liking pancakes. Glad to find like minds. I also make great pancakes."

3. Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A participant in the online discussion said that they love making cakes, cookies, and pastries but don't care for them due to their unsavory taste and texture. Another user replied, "Same for me too. I love to watch others enjoy my baked goods, but usually, one bite is enough because I don't enjoy sweets too much."

4. Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another contributor on the topic said that she practically enjoys cooking eggs for other people but hates the texture of eggs in any way that they are prepared. Another user corroborates this, saying, "This was going to be my answer. I enjoy cooking for other people, and pretty much everyone likes eggs. I don't really like eggs, but I will happily cook an egg in any manner that you want."

5. Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One user said that she makes cheese sauce and grated cheese for her kid, who loves mac and cheese but she hates mac and cheese. Another user responded by saying, "It's just so heavy and never makes me feel good," while another contributor replied, "Same. I think I eat it probably once a year; I rarely crave it. Kids, though, I think they can eat it every day."

6. Soup

Borscht Soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A user on the platform said that she is not a big fan of soups, even if they're flavourful and yummy. They are fun to cook, and she enjoys making them for her mother, but it's still not a meal she would usually choose if given a choice. One user responded to her, saying, "I'm also not a soup person. I find foods that you eat with a spoon to be unsatisfying in general. Has nothing to do with flavor or recipes, just a weird metal hurdle."

7. Christmas Dinner

Dinner with family
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We know that preparing meals in large quantities can be an exhausting exercise. There's always significant pressure in coming up with a sumptuous dinner on Christmas. A participant in the discussion takes a huge stance on this, saying that by the time they've slaved away preparing different delicacies all morning, they just want to sit on the sofa and watch everyone else eat it whilst chilling with a beer.

8. Ribs

Pork Ribs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A contributor on the platform maintains that they love making ribs but can't eat them in public places due to how messy they can be. Another contributor replied, "Oh my gosh, I never thought I would find someone with the same thought on this. I love making ribs, and I think I'm pretty good at it, but I don't like eating them. I don't like the mess. I don't like sticky fingers. I have to eat ribs with a knife and a fork, and that looks ridiculous. But I am the one that also can't have certain foods touching each other."

9. Steak

Thick sliced steak made with skillet in frying pan
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This user said that steaks are easy to make and impress someone with but doesn't like steak all that much despite having the time and the seasoning tricks. A commenter on the platform corroborates with them, saying, "I can cook a hella good steak, and it's kinda satisfying when you get a perfect sear on it. But I don't eat red meat anymore. I cook them for my husband or occasionally for a guest."

10. Shrimp

Grilled tiger shrimps

This participant in the discussion said that they hate shrimp but love to cook it in every way. Another user replied saying, "Me too. I make half a dozen shrimp appetizers for parties, and people really seem to like them, but I cannot get past the texture of shrimp. Just, ew."

Source: Reddit.

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Candy Corn
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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beans and hot dogs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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