10 Dishes You Should Never Order in a Restaurant

bad restaurant

Some dishes are best avoided when eating out. They could be overpriced, unhealthy, or just not that great. Knowing what not to order can make your meal better and maybe even save you some cash.

AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As an expert at making perfectly-prepared scrambled eggs in their kitchen, I can relate to people complaining that restaurant scrambled eggs don't taste good. They're not wrong! "I'll never order scrambled eggs because I'm picky about how I like mine cooked," confesses one woman. I'm not going to ruin the experience for myself by ordering something that has a high likelihood of grossing me out."

2. Pasta

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Like quesadillas, pasta is a dish many home chefs have mastered. Countless diners reveal that unless they are dining at an upscale Italian restaurant that makes their pasta fresh daily, they will never order it when they're dining out. I don't blame these people; nothing beats homemade pasta using your grandmother's old recipe!

3. Drinks With Ice in Them

Drinks with Ice
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A surprising number of people confess they will never order a drink with ice, citing sanitation concerns. As it turns out, restaurants and bars don't always keep the ice machine clean and suitably sanitized! "After decades in the industry, I've only ever seen one change the ice machine filters and clean the bin regularly," says one diligent restaurant worker.

4. Quesadillas

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Mexican-inspired quesadilla is a classic appetizer found in many restaurants across the globe. Unfortunately, it's a straightforward dish, essentially only tortillas and cheese. More than one diner admits to never ordering quesadillas out of principle because, in their eyes, a simple tortilla-and-cheese dish isn't worth spending money on.

5. Any Salad

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People go to restaurants to be blown away by food they can't make at home, and that's why many steer clear of ordering salads. "Not because I don't love salad, I actually do; I've just never gotten a salad at a restaurant that wasn't gross, so I've just stopped ordering them," reveals one man. "I prefer homemade salads. I can customize and make sure the lettuce is fresh, and there isn't too much dressing."

6. Escargot

Snails baked with sauce, Bourgogne Escargot Snails. Baked snails with butter and spice. gourmet food. recipe background. Close up.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While escargot is viewed by many as a delicacy, for most people, eating escargot is plain disgusting. Unsurprisingly, most diners feel queasy at the thought of eating snails, regardless of how much garlic butter the slimy critters are doused in!

7. Rocky Mountain Oysters

Frayed Bulls Testicles on a Table - Rocky Mountain Oysters Special plate
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A small segment of the population enjoys eating Rocky Mountain oysters, and in my mind, they're all disgusting people. Some diners claim these "oysters" are delicious, but most people can't get over the mental hurdle required to put them in their mouth and start chewing! Trust me; the less you know about Rocky Mountain oysters, the better off you'll be.

8. Anything With Truffle Oil

Truffle Oil
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Savvy diners are fed up with truffle oil! While legitimate truffles are a decadent (yet expensive) addition to any fine-dining dish, truffle oil is just a low-class version of real truffles that adds a hefty upcharge to your meal. In addition, many people complain about the artificial taste of the oil, which is usually added to simple foods like French fries.

9. Shrimp

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although it's undoubtedly delicious, some people find out the hard way that shrimp needs to be thoroughly cleaned by a restaurant's kitchen staff before being served to customers. "One too many times, the kitchen hasn't de-veined the shrimp well enough, and I ended up sick," explains one man. "That's where I draw the line." This guy has the worst luck with shrimp!

10. Foie Gras

Foie Gras on Pan Seared Sea Scallops
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Not all customers shy away from ordering certain items because they dislike the item's taste. In the case of foie gras, many diners refuse to order it because of how it's made! For those unaware, foie gras is the liver of a duck or goose that has been force-fed food until its livers swell. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

Source: Reddit.

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