10 Breakfasts We Can Eat Daily Without Getting Bored

bagel breakfast

Eating breakfast is a great way to kickstart your day. And guess what? Breakfast doesn't have to be boring. There are some breakfast foods so yummy and versatile that you could eat them every day and not get tired of them. From smoothies to scrambled eggs, these breakfasts are quick, easy, and full of flavor.

AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. Tamales

Close up of handmade Hot Tamales with shallow depth of field.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you've never eaten homemade tamales, you're missing out. One woman confesses she has eaten tamales for breakfast for nearly her entire life! "I make tamales (six dozen with different fillings) about once a month, freeze them, and reheat what I want to eat daily," she reveals. "I love eating them so much. Even better, they are portable if I am running late."

2. Just Eggs

Boiled eggs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For some people, sometimes simplicity in their morning meal is prioritized. One man expresses his love for the three-egg breakfast he's perfected. "Just three eggs have been my breakfast for years," he confesses. "They have the protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and amino acids your body needs to start your metabolism and create the building blocks for new growth. Eat eggs every day."

3. Breakfast Tea

Hot tea
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While coffee is the liquid breakfast of choice for millions, other people prefer a traditional breakfast tea, often with some milk or tea added. This breakfast choice is exceptionally classy and soothing to start the day. I don't know about you, but in my mind, only the most sensible and calm people begin their day with hot tea.

4. A Pre-Workout Drink

Pre workout protein shake with whey, sour cherries for complex carbohydrates, almonds and raisins
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Count me in as one of the many people who choose to only drink a pre-workout drink for breakfast. As someone who goes to the gym immediately upon waking up, I often feel sluggish if I eat a full breakfast before I go. A pre-workout drink gives me the energy (through tons of caffeine) and focus I need to start my day. I've been doing it for years and wouldn't have it any other way!

5. A Bagel

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you live in the New Jersey or New York area, your entire breakfast revolves around your morning bagel. There's a reason why there are hundreds of bagel shops in the tri-state area – people are addicted to bagels. There's something about a perfect poppyseed bagel with cream cheese that puts smiles on people's faces first thing in the morning.

6. Cereal

Man eating cereal
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many kids eat cereal every day before school, a habit that continues for many adults as they get older. The beauty of cereal is in its variety. From healthy cereal to sugary cereal, from Cheerios to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, eating cereal each morning is, in my people's minds, living life to the fullest!

7. Traditional Mexican Breakfast

High angle closeup of homemade vegetarian brunch plate, including eggs, avocado, beans, tomato, salad, lettuce
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There's something to be said about a traditional breakfast that checks off all the boxes regarding flavor, nutrition, and deliciousness — something that a traditional Mexican breakfast has in spades. "Y'all are sleeping on Mexican breakfast," argues one man.

"A couple of eggs, beans, and a tortilla, and you'll be full until dinner. If you wanna get fancy, top with salsa, avocado, queso panela/fresco, and pair with coffee or fruit water."

8. Protein Shake

Protein Shake
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When trying to avoid fats and carbs in the morning, many people turn to protein shakes to start their day off healthily. In fact, for many gymgoers (myself included), a protein shake is the first thing I drink when I get back from a workout each morning. Protein shakes are also cost-effective for taking in essential vitamins and minerals!

9. Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If your health is your top priority and you don't mind a little meal prep at the end of a week, overnight oats are a delicious way to start your mornings. "Already been doing it for years, and I'm not going to stop," admits one oatmeal lover.

"Incredibly healthy, incredibly tasty, incredibly filling, incredibly inexpensive, incredibly easy to prep all five-weekday breakfasts on Sunday evening. There's zero downside. It's just fiber and protein since I don't add sugar or any ingredients that have added sugars."

10. Smoothie

Woman drinking smoothie
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people confess they credit their entire morning routine to their breakfast smoothie. The beauty of a smoothie is in its versatility — you can include nearly any fruit, herb, vegetable, or mixable food to make a delicious shake! Making a smoothie each morning is perfect for taking advantage of the extra ingredients in your fridge and cabinets.

Source: Reddit.

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