10 Best Tasting Apples In The World


AUTHOR: Matt Harris

It’s reported that over 7,500 different varieties of apples are grown worldwide, but only a handful make it into our grocery stores. While those that do get chosen are naturally delicious, their relative lack of availability suggests we’re missing out.

For those who love their apples but want to try something different, here are 10 suggestions packed with fruity flavor.

1. Fuji

Fuji apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Fuji apples can often be purchased in stores, but only some outlets will stock them. (They're much more widely available from stores and orchards in the U.S.) They have a rich red color, and they’re also versatile. Fujis are great in cooking and have a deliciously sweet flavor when eaten out of the hand.

2. Egremont Russet

Egremont Russet
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is my favorite apple, but it isn’t easy to get find. Egremont Russets have a sweet, nutty flavor; some say they work well in savory salads. The skin can be leathery, but you can always grab a peeler and put that leftover peel in your compost.

3. Empire

Empire apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You can’t miss these apples. Empire apples are a bright, bold red, often imported from New Zealand. The fruit has a complex range of flavors, from sweet to sharp, which makes them a favorite among apple connoisseurs.

4. Honeycrisp

Honeycrisp Apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you prefer a sweetness overload, Honeycrisp is the best choice. The clue is in the name, as this apple offers a burst of juicy flavors with plenty of honey notes along the way.

5. Pink Lady

Pink Lady apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Pink Lady official website claims this is everyone’s favorite apple. Other producers may dispute that claim, but this is undoubtedly a tasty fruit, which is why it’s widely available. It gets its name from its reddish-pink color, while the flavors are sweet and tangy.

6. Pazazz

Pazazz apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The name suggests something special, and the Pazazz is another apple with a complex range of flavors. At first bite, it’s sweet, but as it settles in the mouth, the Pazazz provides a sharp finish. It’s better for eating and is rarely used in cooking.

7. Jonagold

Jonagold apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Jonagold variety can rival the Honeycrisp for sweetness; some have described it as candy in apple form. It can be used in cooking, but the Jonagold is best when packed in the lunchbox and eaten in isolation.

8. Winesap

Winesap apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

An unusual variant originating from the U.S., the Winesap is perfect for those who like growing and storing apples. It will keep for long periods in cold conditions and is ideal for savory soups.

9. Granny Smith

Granny Smith apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is one of the most abundant apples in stores worldwide, and there’s a good reason for that. The Granny Smith is the perfect all-rounder with equally strong results when cooked or eaten independently. There’s also a theory that the Granny Smith is the healthiest of all apples.

10. Bramley

Bramley apples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

So how do you like them apples? I’ll finish with a happy memory from my childhood. The Bramley apple is not for eating but is the perfect cooking apple for pies and other desserts. It takes me back to when my grandmother cooked baked apples. The smell and taste are a pure burst of sweet nostalgia.

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