10 Foods You Hated as a Kid but Can't Get Enough of Now

fried rice shrimp

AUTHOR: Daisy Frisch

Taste buds are funny things. When we're kids, some foods seem like the worst thing ever. But as we grow up, our taste changes and some of those yucky foods become favorites. Let's take a walk down memory lane and look at 10 foods we hated as kids but can't get enough of today.

1. Raw Tomatoes

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In the comments, someone mentioned that their family is so used to them hating raw tomatoes that they prepare their food without it at gatherings. They said they feel too shy to tell their family they like raw tomatoes now. Other people mentioned they enjoy raw tomatoes so much now that they’ll eat them plain (with just seasoning.)

2. Pork Chops

Baked Pork Chops
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It seems like a universal experience to have pork chops prepared with no seasoning and highly overcooked. Several people in the comments listed pork chops and specified that they hated them, but they lacked proper seasoning, and the cooking method was off.

3. Blue Cheese or Gorgonzola

Blue Cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Several people hated strong cheeses like blue cheese or gorgonzola until one meal changed their minds. One person said, “It was a bleu cheeseburger, and it sounded so good that I ordered it.” Another commenter offered a recipe for pasta sauce that includes butter, milk, Swiss, gouda, romano, bleu cheese, and spices.

4. Brussel Sprouts

Big pieces of brussel sprouts.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another universal experience in the comments was people’s parents preparing mushy, unseasoned Brussels sprouts. One person mentioned that they always thought they were gross due to the boiled texture. As an adult, many food lovers have realized how delicious they can be when roasted or sauteed.

5. Fish and Seafood

Noodles with shrimp
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For some people, just one memorable incident is enough to put them off fish and seafood for the foreseeable future. One person told a story about how their dad took them out to eat as a child and ate the eyes of a fish, causing them to avoid seafood for 20 years. Another explained that being served whole crawdads as a kid scarred them.

6. Red Meat

Red Meat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

According to one user, their mother ruined red meat for them for years by buying “inferior cuts of meat” and not preparing them properly. They added that they were taken out to eat with some wealthy friends in high school, where they had their first delicious, well-prepared steak. “I will never forget that first steak,” they concluded.

7. Grits

buttered grits with biscuits in rustic setting top view
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Grits are a staple in many people’s diets, especially in the South. However, many people had similar experiences with being served grits that were poorly prepared, unseasoned, or simply lacking flavor. Now, the same folks that once disliked them express an appreciation for grits when served with something flavorful or cooked with cream, butter, and seasonings.

8. Zucchini

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Surprisingly, many people hated zucchini as kids due to its texture or preparation. However, those commenters mentioned that they now prepare and enjoy zucchini regularly. One of the most relatable comments about zucchini was, “I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be limp and slimy.”

9. Beets

Woman eating Beets
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you haven’t noticed already, there’s a theme building with many food items on this list — and it seems to come down to food being prepared improperly. A few people said they hated beets because they were only served canned beets as a kid. Once they realized that beets could be bought fresh, roasted, or even boiled, they truly enjoyed them.

10. Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although there were people in the comments arguing that sweet potato pie is better, there were several folks with a newfound appreciation for pumpkin pie. One person suggested finding a recipe that uses half sweet potato and half pumpkin.

Source: Reddit.

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